Recording light readings with a spherical PAR sensor during a dye study in the Grand Bay NERR, Moss Point, Mississippi, during the summer of 2015

Recording light readings with a spherical PAR sensor during a dye study in the Grand Bay NERR, Moss Point, Mississippi, during the summer of 2015

Assessing seagrass cover within the Pensacola Bay System, Florida, for a NFWF funded Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) project during the summer of 2016

Assessing seagrass cover within the Pensacola Bay System, Florida, for a NFWF funded Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) project during the summer of 2016

Filtering seawater for dissolved nutrient samples in coastal Maine during the fall of 2019 for the Maine EPSCoR eDNA Project

Filtering seawater for dissolved nutrient samples in coastal Maine during the fall of 2019 for the Maine EPSCoR eDNA Project